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Welcome! The purpose of this guide is to make your journey with disnake easier, whether you're an experienced developer just getting into coding Discord bots, or an advanced bot developer who has decided to proceed with disnake as their library of choice.

The concepts this guide will be going over include:

  • How to get started on working with bots
  • How to create and organize commands, using cogs/extensions
  • Working with databases (such as sqlite (aiosqlite) and mongodb (motor))
  • Using the AutoShardedClient class to shard your bot
  • A plethora of examples with popular topics along with in-depth explanation, and much more!

This guide will showcase the various features and events that the library has, while giving you an idea of how these functions work together as well as how a project might look in production.


We appreciate the process of making Discord bots, but creating a bot with disnake requires a decent amount of experience on working with Python and object-oriented programming. While you can go forward and make a bot with little to no knowledge of Python or programming, doing so may hinder your progress and cause issues in the future.

If you don't know Python but would like to learn more, here are a few resources to get you started:

An extensive list of these resources can be found on Python's official website. Once you feel a little more experienced with Python, you can come back here to get started!

This guide is made using Docusaurus, a static site generator geared towards building project documentation. The package utilized for Discord-like message elements is Danktuary's @discord-message-components/react.

The idea of building a guide that showcases the use of disnake's syntax and features was inspired from Discord.js, one of the most popular JavaScript Discord libraries; their guide can be found here. The credit for the initial directory and articles structure goes to them.

We also thank all contributors on the repository, who strive to make the guide better.

Lastly, a huge thanks to you, the members of the disnake community, for supporting our library and choosing us for your bot development journey. We as the authors of this guide aim to familiarize users on coding Discord bots with our library, and your support gives us a boost to make the guide better, one commit at a time.