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Context Menus

These application commands are situated under the "Apps" section when you right-click a user or a message. They act like interactions, except they take a User or Message object along with ApplicationCommandInteraction.

Context Menu Introduction


For more specific annotations, you can use UserCommandInteraction or MessageCommandInteraction instead of ApplicationCommandInteraction for the respective commands.

User commands

AbhigyanTripsused /User Info
Disnake BotBot01/22/2025
Username: AbhigyanTrips#2474
Bot: False

The function below should have only one required argument, which is an instance of ApplicationCommandInteraction.

@bot.user_command(name="User Info")
async def avatar(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, user: disnake.User):
await inter.response.send_message(f"Username: {user}\nBot: {}")

Message commands

AbhigyanTripsused /Reverse
Disnake BotBot01/22/2025
.desrever si egassem sihT

The function below should have only one required argument, which is an instance of ApplicationCommandInteraction.

async def reverse(inter: disnake.ApplicationCommandInteraction, message: disnake.Message):
# Reversing the message and sending it back.
await inter.response.send_message(message.content[::-1])

Context menu notes

  • Context menu commands cannot have subcommands or any other options.
  • Responses to context menu commands and their permissions function the same as slash commands.